July Part 1— miracles, miracles, miracles
Mir·a·cle(n.): an extraordinary event manifesting divine intervention in human affairs
I love hearing stories about miracles. There is something about them; the hope they give, the comfort they provide, the faith they stir up inside you, the amazement they leave you in. But most importantly, it’s the power behind them. I was listening to a message by Apostle Joshua Selman where he spoke about how we are doing a lot of talking about Jesus, and how sometimes, what people need to see or hear about is His power.
I decided to put out a poll on Instagram asking if anyone had experienced a miracle. A couple of people responded, and I reached out to them asking if they would be willing to share their miracle stories. I have put them together and have divided them into a four-part series.
I pray these stories comfort you and fill you with faith. May your eyes be open to see God and the beauty that is in Him. May you be stripped away from religion as you discover the sweetness in relationship and fellowship with Him. May you want to know Him and His ways more. May your faith not fail or falter. May my faith not fail or falter.
When I was in uni, I joined the welfare department for my church. One of our duties was taking care of the snacks after Friday Bible study and we had a roster so each person in the team had at least one day in the semester. When my day came, I happened to be experiencing extreme financial difficulties. Anyway I couldn’t afford to buy snacks but I had ingredients handy so I decided to bake a cake.
It was as big as I could get it and I managed to cut it into exactly 30 pieces. Went for Bible study and as people were coming I kept counting them to make sure the cake would be enough. 26, 28, 30….31! Okay, I won’t have cake, that’s calm. 32, 36, 45!! I was SWEATING. So when it was over I had to go get things ready to dish out and I remember just praying “God, I don’t know what YOU are going to do, but bread and cake are basically the same thing, You feel me.”
I started giving it out to people and when I say the cake wasn’t finishing, I cannot explain it better than that.
Every single person there has one including myself! And then people had seconds, including myself! And then thirds!! People ended up taking cake HOME. And when everyone was totally satisfied, the cake ran out. I know how many pieces were there and I know the people. To this very day, it can only have been God doing exactly what God does.
A major miracle in my life was when I was writing my 10th grade final exams. I usually only start preparing for my exams a few days before the actual exam date. So I did the same for my grade 10 final exams. But for some reason, during this exam time, I started feeling some kind of pressure or slow crushing sort of sensation in my head. It got to a stage where I couldn’t even sit up normally. I felt like my head was about to explode.
I had 5 exams in total. This sensation in my head started right after my 1st exam. So at one point I even stopped studying for the exams after that. I was praying to God saying that I would be so happy even if I’m barely able to pass the rest of them. I somehow managed to attend all 5 of them and when the results were coming out, I knew for sure that I was either barely going to pass or even fail a few of them. But when the results actually came out, I got a score of 10/10 for all 5 subjects. Again I have full assurance that this was another major work of God in my life.
Also I have a small issue related to my heart called Mitral valve prolapse and that means from time to time I get palpitations especially while doing sports. But I still manage to play sports actively and try and compete well physically just because I have this belief that our God is a miracle working God and that he would always find a way to let me do these things in spite of my disabilities and problems.
Last year, I was in the worst possible shape ever. Broke, almost homeless, diagnosed of mental illness, in so much debt, out of school. Gave up on church and my religion.
Until one of my friends invited me to some youth service at her church. Even after that, I knew I wasn’t going to church still. I finally went on Christmas day and never stopped since then. Long story short, I was still suffering and I always thought about how I was ever going to get out of debt of about $4k cos I was even jobless too.
I was overdosing because I already gave up. One day, I decided to give my last $50 to church. I don’t know where the 50 came from. I remembered the poor widow who gave her last oil to the prophet. Unbelievably, I got $3000 back from the church for some other strange reason. I was delivered, literally. Got proper care at the hospital. Met a man who gave me a job — not the best job, but a good paying job. Started school again. I still don’t know how I’m now even able to afford all the things I can afford now. If not God, who?!?!
I pray these blessed you! More coming soon, so don’t go anywhere just yet!